I've always had a filming location in mind when thinking about this opening, and that is my local K-Mart. I can't say there's a reason behind it or anything, I just like how it looks. I definitely want to call beforehand but it's pretty late right now so I'm going to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow I also want to have my storyboard finished, and casting should hopefully be done by this weekend. I don't think I'll start filming next week, most likely the week after. Feeling pretty confident about how this is going so far though, knock on wood.
(Keep in mind that the scene takes place at night)
(Aba and Mika's conversation will probably take place on the curb on this side of the building, but that could change day of shooting, you never know)
Hopefully the manager let's me film there, I don't really have a backup plan but a gas station store is a gas station store, it doesn't really matter which one. I'd like it to be this one though. Looks cool.
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