Yesterday I decided to film one CCR to get it over with. I had the idea of a podcast called the Sleepycast Podcast. I'm not really sure how I came up with this idea, it's probably because I was tired. Anyway, I wasn't sure, since it's a podcast, if I needed visuals or not, so just to be safe I filmed it with visuals. I filmed it on my bed to fit with the whole sleepy theme and put as many plushies I could find in the bed's corner. Unfortunately, halfway through filming my phone ran out of storage so I had to record the second half of the CCR in a different shot. I think it would've worked better if my phone didn't fail on me but I improvised. I also had an idea where the guests on the podcast aren't physically there, as they call in from long-distance, so they have a plushie representing them. I'm going to ask my teacher if I even need visuals as soon as I see her, but this will do for now. I followed the script I made in the last blog post to answer questions 1 and 4. I was going to record the ending right then and there, but the video was already so long (about 5 minutes) that I decided to record an entirely separate video for that. I'll record the milk interview (feels weird saying that so casually) some time this week, and I'll record the final statement this week as well. Nearly done! Home stretch!
Sleepycast Podcast set:
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