Friday, March 3, 2023

Location Update

     After calling multiple times and either having no one pick up or not being able to reach the manager, my sweet mother drove me to the Circle K only to get a "No" from the manager. Yay. In order to be able to film in the Circle K I would have to get corporate approval, which is practically impossible to fit into my schedule. If I were to do this, filming would have to be pushed by two whole weeks and who knows if everyone is going to be available or not. Better to just find a new location, which we did. We went to another gas station near the Circle K who also said no due to needing corporate approval, but they directed us towards Panna. The Panna, which is usually a dine-in restaurant, is located right in front of a gas station and right next to the gas station. Fortunately, we go the OK to film there on Sunday! Awesome! Yay! Thank god! 

    At school, I was thinking about getting at least one more shooting location as an alternative just in case Panna doesn't work out. I remembered someone in my media class had shot at a gas station for a project earlier in the year and by pure luck I saw them walking around in between periods. They told me that they had gone day of filming and asked if they were able to film there and they stayed mindful of the customers and that they had filmed at a Chevron. Luck is on my side today. Would've been more on my side if I got the OK from Circle K but I digress. Here are some pictures of each location, tomorrow I'm going to finish getting set up to film on Sunday. Yay.



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