Media Text: The Nice Guys (chose this because my short has a similar dynamic with two of its characters as two of the characters in the film do, so I think they would be advertised in similar ways. Also, the overall tone is similar except that mine is more emotional and much less focused on comedy haha)
Social Media Tool: Instagram
Description of types of posts: The posts mainly focus on the principle actors, Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe, to do most of their marketing since these are names and faces that people are familiar with and would want to watch a movie of. I do not have this luxury. They also focus on the film's comedy, featuring many clips with funny snippets of the movie, though they are often presented in creative ways. They have a "the nice guy'd to..." series where they post funny clips of the film poised as a giving tips. Importantly to mine, they have one post that parodies 70's agency commercials where they highlight the character dynamic and comedy. This is important to mine as in that post the account acts as if they are the detective agency advertising themselves, which is similar to what I'm doing. I did check their twitter and it was the same posts from Instagram but on that site, except for more tweets with gifs from the movie that included the hashtag #TheNiceGuys.
How the brand is developed: The film is set in the 70's, so this is a major part of the brand development. Almost every post is stylized in a 70's TV style way, using bright, warm colors, lower quality audio, and filters that replicate the 70's style. Each post also emphasizes the film's comedic aspects, the major appealing aspect of the production next to the actors.
How I will use this: I will take heavy inspiration from how the account puts a focus on its two principle characters, focusing my account on the prominent duo that the film is primarily centered on. The account also puts an emphasis on its actors, which I want to do as well through conventional means like interviews or having the actors market the film while still in character. Mostly, though, I will draw from the account often posing as a fictional detective agency since that is the idea for my marketing campaign.
Media Text: Mr. & Mrs. Smith (The Amazon show) (Seems like a weird pick but I found a second account for the show on Instagram that acts as the company in the show, HiHi. So obvious great source of inspiration there)
Social Media Tool: Instagram
Description of types of posts: Most of the posts consist of audience interaction. HiHi selects viewers to participate in a planned challenge, like a kidnapping or a heist, that relates to the Mr. & Mrs. Smith show. They also post set photos from the show that the company provided the characters in that narrative world.
How is the brand developed: The account develops the brand by featuring its viewers participate in spy like missions, similar to the ones the characters do in the show. The consistent use of the HiHi message screen in the videos and set/prop photos on the account develop the overall look of the brand/show, highlighting the style of the show's production and its iconic imagery through the messaging screen.
How will I use this: I really like the idea of interacting with the audience through little challenges, though, I think that might require too much planning and scripting for me to pull off in such a limited time frame and budget and reach and et cetera. Instead, I like the idea of making little sketches that have different people go on different 'missions' from the company. I can get friends to act like they are employees of LGDC and make sketches around them going to help clients of their own, maybe one goes incredibly wrong, who knows. Either way, it's a very creative idea I will definitely keep in mind and most likely do. Also, taking pictures of the costumes that Cricket and Jim use as if the company is showing off their pristine employee uniform is a cute idea I am inspired by the account by. Also works for the business card.
Media Text: Everything Everywhere All At Once (I lied EEAO does have a social media account) (Similar themes is why I chose it. Both are also weird productions, though EEAO is much weirder, in a good way).
Description of types of posts: Scrolling back to before the film's release, the account did not exist during pre-release, but what their first posts were mainly retweets of Twitter accounts watching the movie and praising it. They also retweeted art and articles about the film. To advertise the film's digital and physical release, the account shared videos of bloopers and behind-the-scenes clips that are featured in the digital, bought version. The videos also included interviews with actors about the film and their experience working on it. Still, the main way they promoted the film was through retweeting people's thoughts on it (which were positive). Looking at A24's Instagram account to get an idea of the film's marketing before its release, most of the posts were trailers and teasers actually made for the film but posted on the account as well. Props of the film were sold on the A24 website, which was advertised on the account alongside showing the press tour of the actors and stills of the film.
How the brand is developed: The twitter account doesn't do the best job of developing the brand as it mainly focuses on spreading the word of mouth that the film is good. Snippets of the behind the scenes and bloopers also don't necessary do a good job of developing the brand either. The Instagram does a much better job, posting trailers and props from the film to illustrate the production's absurd, out-there nature. Still, both accounts could do better to develop the film's brand.
How will I use this: I like the idea of posting stills and props from the production, they're very simple but can build interest if done right. What the Twitter account does is impossible for me since this is a student project short film that does not have the reach of a studio produced theater released film. Obviously. I also like posting pictures and interviews of the actors together, another really simple but practical way to market a film.
This research helped me a ton, I feel like I have a better idea on how to approach the social media aspect.
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